Breakout Session Themes

Grand Challenges

Data Lifecycle to Support a Sustainable Cyber-Toolbox
Session 1 Leaders: Jim Hutchison, Raul Cachau, Mark Tuominen and Michele Ostraat

  • What does the IDEAL data lifecycle look like?
  • Comparison with our CURRENT lifecycle.
  • What are the data gaps?
  • What are the barriers to move from current to ideal?

Session Outputs: recommendation on IDEAL data lifecycle; identification of data gaps and barriers to sustainable nanoinformatics

Use of Nanoinformatics for Predictive Modeling
Session 2 Leaders: Nathan Baker, Yoram Cohen, Sharon Gaheen and Andre Nel

  • What outputs are expected from predictive toxicology and mechanistic models?
  • What level of nanomaterial representation/description is required to parameterize these models?
  • What examples can be used to illustrate NI as a 'model' for the Materials Genome Initiative?

Session Outputs: recommendation on nanomaterial description requirements for predictive modeling; examples to illustrate utility of NI approach

Nanoinformatics Integration
Session 3 Leaders: Jeff Steevens, Stacey Harper, Sally Tinkle and Mark Hoover

  • How will the data and the predictive models be used to make decisions (in context of the value chain: materials development > manufacturing > use > post-use)?
  • How can the different nanoinformatics needs throughout the value chain and lifecycle be coordinated, integrated and balanced between sectors, technologies, designer/manufacturer/user-based informatics?
  • How do existing grassroots efforts in nanoinformatics (additional informatics efforts not focused on nanomaterials) fit into an integrated framework for informatics infrastructure?
  • Which bits of informatics need to be unified/standardized, which just need to be functionally linked and what is missing?

Session Outputs: recommendation on standards to catalyze nanoscience and support nanoinformatics approaches and modeling; plan for data sharing and informatics integration; identification of informatics gaps